Well, my creatures of the night, there a few major changes coming up in the world of Scampopolis. Change is not a bad thing. Without change, the world would become stagnant and die. Though, just because change isn't bad doesn't mean it is always easy. For Scamp, large and notable changes are afoot. Speaking of foot, I should be able to start putting pressure on my bad ankle again on the 5th of January. That means I can begin my slow, (most likely) painful ascent into recovery. I've been having a few good days (as long as I try to keep it elevated and don't hit it on anything), but the pain outweighs the recovery. In the realm of lack-of-change, the feeling still has not returned to my small toe area of the aforementioned foot, nor has it returned to my upper left leg. This makes me nervous.
A rather substantial change will be my change of location. I have been living with a couple in Schenectady, New York, for about 9 months now. They moved me across the country and took me in as their pup, but that did not work out. In the beginning of February, I will be moving to stay with some very close friends (more like family) near Memphis, Tennessee. I think the change of scenery will do me good, but this is a rather large change to be undergoing so soon after a major surgery. I hope that I will be mentally, emotionally, and physically strong enough to handle it.
A friend from where I was previously living in Tennessee offered to let me stay with her. I don't think that would be the best idea, as I will be largely immobile still. I don't want to hinder our friendship by becoming a burden on her.
Another large change for Scamp is that I have been exploring my Alpha side! Yes! Unbelievable as it may seem, I am fleshing out my Alpha side. Cute, cuddly, innocent, (mostly) submissive Scamp has his very own pup! His name is Trusty (picked out by me, no less). You will receive bonus points if you can leave a comment telling me how the names Scamp and Trusty are related. He has decided his breed is King Charles Spaniel. My absolute favorite breed of dog ever is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He had no idea of this when he made his decision. Trusty is a handful, and he keeps me on my toes. That is what I get for getting a pup that is as smart as (if not smarter than) me! Now I see why all the Owners I know say that I am a handful. He has the sexiest profession I can think of (librarian), he has the most ADORABLE accent (British), and he is ALL MINE! The icing on the cake? He is visiting me in January! *does the excited Snoopy dance*
Well, I wanted to let my devoted followers know what was going on with the Scampinator, and I have done just that. For now, I will leave you all with these words of wisdom.
"If you can't eat it, play with it, or fuck it, then you should piss on it and walk away." - The Philosophy of Dog
TTFN, ta ta for now!
Scamp's Crest

The Official Crest of Scamptopia
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Poem for Odin
I participate, as I have mentioned before, in a foam fighting medieval combat reenactment game called Dagorhir. Dagorhir is a very fun game and has many aspects. One of those aspects is healing magic. In order to perform a healing spell, a fighter must submit a 180 syllable poem (original or re-purposed work) which does not repeat. Recently, a friend of mine asked me (since I dabble in writing) to write for him a healing poem for a viking follower of Odin. The following is what I came up with in about 10 minutes. If you like it, leave a comment.
Though now we stand on glowing coals
On piles of ash and ember,
We must still have our story told;
An epic to remember.
Raise up my friend, and call to arms;
We must let more blood be shed.
Our enemies will taste all harms
And soon wish that they were dead.
The All Father will take you soon
To halls of fame and glory,
But now is not the time of boon;
You've not fulfilled your story.
You may now wish your song not sung
And call this charge a hassle.
Remember, you, how Odin hung
Upon the great Yggdrasil.
Pierced with a spear of His own hand;
The world was turned upside down.
He gained the songs to name the land
And thus the runes had been found.
Before you try to shy away
And gain your last rest in death,
You'll live to fight another day
As Odin returns your breath.
I, personally, have used a modified Shakespearean sonnet as a healing poem in the past, but this is purely my original work.
TTFN, ta ta for now!
Though now we stand on glowing coals
On piles of ash and ember,
We must still have our story told;
An epic to remember.
Raise up my friend, and call to arms;
We must let more blood be shed.
Our enemies will taste all harms
And soon wish that they were dead.
The All Father will take you soon
To halls of fame and glory,
But now is not the time of boon;
You've not fulfilled your story.
You may now wish your song not sung
And call this charge a hassle.
Remember, you, how Odin hung
Upon the great Yggdrasil.
Pierced with a spear of His own hand;
The world was turned upside down.
He gained the songs to name the land
And thus the runes had been found.
Before you try to shy away
And gain your last rest in death,
You'll live to fight another day
As Odin returns your breath.
I, personally, have used a modified Shakespearean sonnet as a healing poem in the past, but this is purely my original work.
TTFN, ta ta for now!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Christmas Wishes
As we approach the holidays, memories come flooding back. Good or bad, we all have them. Personally, Christmas time has always been a source of fond memories and good times for me. I don't celebrate the Christian ideal of Christmas (being Celtic Pagan, I celebrate Yule and the Solstice), but I wish all of my readers a happy Christmahannakwanzadonamus. Following is a little Christmas song I wrote a few years back when I was a drummer for a punk band in Nashville, Tennessee. Directly after that is a video of my favorite Christmas song of all time. Enjoy.
"Santa Claus is Stalking Me" by Scamp
He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake.
He knows if you've been bad or good, so be bad until it aches!
1, 2, 3, 4!
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
I'm sitting in my bedroom, awake and all alone.
I try to hear him on the roof, but all I hear are Mommy's moans.
1, 2, 3, 4!
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
He slithers down my chimney one night of every year.
Instead of leaving cookies and milk, I put out poisoned beer.
1, 2, 3, 4!
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah!
Merry Fucking Christmas!
A Fairytale of New York by The Pogues and Kristy McColl
I do celebrate the commercial ideals of Christmas. If you want to send me a gift, send me an email or leave a comment. You know what they say. "'Tis better to give to a pup than to receive." I'm pretty sure that's the quote.
TTFN, ta ta for now!
"Santa Claus is Stalking Me" by Scamp
He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake.
He knows if you've been bad or good, so be bad until it aches!
1, 2, 3, 4!
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
I'm sitting in my bedroom, awake and all alone.
I try to hear him on the roof, but all I hear are Mommy's moans.
1, 2, 3, 4!
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
He slithers down my chimney one night of every year.
Instead of leaving cookies and milk, I put out poisoned beer.
1, 2, 3, 4!
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah.
Santa Claus is stalking me, oh yeah!
Merry Fucking Christmas!
A Fairytale of New York by The Pogues and Kristy McColl
I do celebrate the commercial ideals of Christmas. If you want to send me a gift, send me an email or leave a comment. You know what they say. "'Tis better to give to a pup than to receive." I'm pretty sure that's the quote.
TTFN, ta ta for now!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Puppy Play or Dog Training? Yes, there IS a difference!
There seems to be a lot of confusion about what constitutes "puppy play" as opposed to "dog play", "dog training", "wolf play", or one of the million other variations. What I am going to give here is nothing more than personal opinion, sprinkled with my own experience and the opinion/experience of a few others. What you do with this information is up to you, as I believe that everybody must find their own path, be it religion, sexuality, kink, or even things less important.
Puppy play is commonly overlooked in kink situations, as it sometimes has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with sex. Yes, that's right. You might be taken aback by this statement, but there is so much more to life than just sex. Now, for the 25 percent of people who will continue reading past that line, let us continue.
I am going to take this time to explain that this post is meant to help give definition to some of the varying levels of this specific kink. By this, I mean the most commonly accepted definitions, and you may have varying ideas based on personal experience. It will not cover every eventuality, and there will be some who fit into these categories and many others. This is only meant to be an outline of what the "puppy play" scene is becoming in current times, not a reflection of what it may have been. Things grow and change. Nothing is as cut and dry as most people would like.
Puppy Play
Many people call themselves a puppy because they don't understand where they fit in. Puppy play is an attractive form of power exchange because, for most, it still includes a tenderness reserved for a beloved family pet.
The most common definition of a "puppy" is a person who has some of the mentality of a puppy, and can enter a headspace of total puppy awareness. These people might perk up if they hear a squeaky toy, stand at full attention if they hear certain words (walkies, play, ball, squirrel, among others), find themselves growling at annoyances in their every day lives, or even wagging their bodies when they get excited. These are all fairly common, and may confuse the pup until he realizes the truth about himself.
While many pups are just as much a pup on 2 legs as they are on four legs, they relish the time they get to spend in puppy headspace. It's a full release from the cares and worries of the day-to-day human world. A time where the pup can truly be himself. Many pups can't achieve this state of awareness without a trigger.. It might be their handler's praise, the jingle of their dog tags on their collar, a certain touch (scratches behind the ears; WOOF!), or a number of things. The thing to take from this is that it is common for a pup to not be in puppy mode 24/7. As a matter of fact, it is fairly rare to find a situation in which a puppy gets to (or even wants to) live as a full time pup. The necessary evils of the human world make this nigh impossible.
Puppies are loyal, playful, energetic, and loving. It is fairly common to find a puppy edging closer and closer to his human (or even another pup that he may have a relationship with), trying to get physical attention. Personally, I am nearly constantly chewing on something (straws, plushies, rope toys, pens, pencils, sunglasses...). The behaviors that puppies exhibit are fairly easy to identify, if you know where to look.
Dog Play
Dogs and puppies are different animals. To say otherwise is to try and call children "little adults". It may have common practice in the past, but growing and evolving needs have made the distinction a necessary one.
Puppies often exhibit the physical characteristics of dogs, but "puppy play" is more about the mental state of those involved. Dog play is most commonly referred to as the act of acting like a dog, while maintaining the mind and thoughts of a human. Am I saying that there isn't some crossover between the two? No. It is nearly impossible to have things this closely related without crossover. It's just a matter of which one you feel yourself more drawn towards.
Dog play and puppy play are both entered into willingly. There isn't usually humiliation connected with these acts. There may be humiliation in other aspects of your kink and laid on top of puppy or dog play. It's more about the mutual enjoyment of these activities which brings fetishists together to enjoy them. Commonly, dogs and puppies will gather together for events or play times. It is only small differences which separate them. These differences wouldn't be worth mentioning, except for the new and expanding interests in the puppy community. It is important that those new to the "scene" know where they fit in, what is commonly accepted practice, and that they are not alone in their feelings.
As I have said, dog play focuses more on the physical, and puppy play focuses more on the mental aspects of the kink. This is not true for everyone, and this doesn't mean that dogs can't get into a puppy headspace and puppies can't spend a few days on all fours. Individual interests and desires shape and mold kink. If they didn't, we'd all still be vanilla, wouldn't we? That being said, these two practices (once again) are entered into willingly and because the pup/dog thoroughly desires the time. There is a practice which is more forced and more about humiliation, however.
Dog Training
Dog training is the act of taking a submissive and forcing him to take on the mannerisms and role of a dog, usually as a form of humiliation play. The Dominant will force the submissive to eat from a bowl, bark, stay on all fours, and other things commonly associated with training an unruly dog. This is accomplished after the submissive lets known his desire (or at least acquiescence) to either a session or longer term of humiliation play. I DO NOT CONDONE NON-CONSENSUAL POWER EXCHANGE.
The forced act of becoming a dog can be a very trying thing on the human psyche, and aftercare should be observed if you are engaging in this kink.
This fills the Dominant's needs to humiliate the submissive (or maybe even a hidden desire to have his own pup or dog), and it also fulfills the submissive's desires to be humiliated and dominated. This can be fun, and there are some pups or dogs who also participate in this aspect of the kink. Once again, it is not a "one or the other" scenario, nor is it an "all or nothing" situation. Desires cross over and you may find yourself in one or more of these groups, or even more.
I hope that my readers have found this to be informative. I will once again remind everyone that this is mostly my personal experiences/opinions and the experiences/opinions of others that I have met who are involved in the pup community in one form or another. Also, I used the male pronouns to fill out my definitions because gay male puppy play is what I am familiar with (being a gay male puppy). This is not to say that straight or lesbian members of the kink community might not also benefit from this information. I was not trying to dis-include anyone.
That was tiring, and now I think I will chew on my Tigger and chat a bit on fetishmen.
TTFN, ta ta for now.
Puppy play is commonly overlooked in kink situations, as it sometimes has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with sex. Yes, that's right. You might be taken aback by this statement, but there is so much more to life than just sex. Now, for the 25 percent of people who will continue reading past that line, let us continue.
I am going to take this time to explain that this post is meant to help give definition to some of the varying levels of this specific kink. By this, I mean the most commonly accepted definitions, and you may have varying ideas based on personal experience. It will not cover every eventuality, and there will be some who fit into these categories and many others. This is only meant to be an outline of what the "puppy play" scene is becoming in current times, not a reflection of what it may have been. Things grow and change. Nothing is as cut and dry as most people would like.
Puppy Play
Many people call themselves a puppy because they don't understand where they fit in. Puppy play is an attractive form of power exchange because, for most, it still includes a tenderness reserved for a beloved family pet.
The most common definition of a "puppy" is a person who has some of the mentality of a puppy, and can enter a headspace of total puppy awareness. These people might perk up if they hear a squeaky toy, stand at full attention if they hear certain words (walkies, play, ball, squirrel, among others), find themselves growling at annoyances in their every day lives, or even wagging their bodies when they get excited. These are all fairly common, and may confuse the pup until he realizes the truth about himself.
While many pups are just as much a pup on 2 legs as they are on four legs, they relish the time they get to spend in puppy headspace. It's a full release from the cares and worries of the day-to-day human world. A time where the pup can truly be himself. Many pups can't achieve this state of awareness without a trigger.. It might be their handler's praise, the jingle of their dog tags on their collar, a certain touch (scratches behind the ears; WOOF!), or a number of things. The thing to take from this is that it is common for a pup to not be in puppy mode 24/7. As a matter of fact, it is fairly rare to find a situation in which a puppy gets to (or even wants to) live as a full time pup. The necessary evils of the human world make this nigh impossible.
Puppies are loyal, playful, energetic, and loving. It is fairly common to find a puppy edging closer and closer to his human (or even another pup that he may have a relationship with), trying to get physical attention. Personally, I am nearly constantly chewing on something (straws, plushies, rope toys, pens, pencils, sunglasses...). The behaviors that puppies exhibit are fairly easy to identify, if you know where to look.
Dog Play
Dogs and puppies are different animals. To say otherwise is to try and call children "little adults". It may have common practice in the past, but growing and evolving needs have made the distinction a necessary one.
Puppies often exhibit the physical characteristics of dogs, but "puppy play" is more about the mental state of those involved. Dog play is most commonly referred to as the act of acting like a dog, while maintaining the mind and thoughts of a human. Am I saying that there isn't some crossover between the two? No. It is nearly impossible to have things this closely related without crossover. It's just a matter of which one you feel yourself more drawn towards.
Dog play and puppy play are both entered into willingly. There isn't usually humiliation connected with these acts. There may be humiliation in other aspects of your kink and laid on top of puppy or dog play. It's more about the mutual enjoyment of these activities which brings fetishists together to enjoy them. Commonly, dogs and puppies will gather together for events or play times. It is only small differences which separate them. These differences wouldn't be worth mentioning, except for the new and expanding interests in the puppy community. It is important that those new to the "scene" know where they fit in, what is commonly accepted practice, and that they are not alone in their feelings.
As I have said, dog play focuses more on the physical, and puppy play focuses more on the mental aspects of the kink. This is not true for everyone, and this doesn't mean that dogs can't get into a puppy headspace and puppies can't spend a few days on all fours. Individual interests and desires shape and mold kink. If they didn't, we'd all still be vanilla, wouldn't we? That being said, these two practices (once again) are entered into willingly and because the pup/dog thoroughly desires the time. There is a practice which is more forced and more about humiliation, however.
Dog Training
Dog training is the act of taking a submissive and forcing him to take on the mannerisms and role of a dog, usually as a form of humiliation play. The Dominant will force the submissive to eat from a bowl, bark, stay on all fours, and other things commonly associated with training an unruly dog. This is accomplished after the submissive lets known his desire (or at least acquiescence) to either a session or longer term of humiliation play. I DO NOT CONDONE NON-CONSENSUAL POWER EXCHANGE.
The forced act of becoming a dog can be a very trying thing on the human psyche, and aftercare should be observed if you are engaging in this kink.
This fills the Dominant's needs to humiliate the submissive (or maybe even a hidden desire to have his own pup or dog), and it also fulfills the submissive's desires to be humiliated and dominated. This can be fun, and there are some pups or dogs who also participate in this aspect of the kink. Once again, it is not a "one or the other" scenario, nor is it an "all or nothing" situation. Desires cross over and you may find yourself in one or more of these groups, or even more.
I hope that my readers have found this to be informative. I will once again remind everyone that this is mostly my personal experiences/opinions and the experiences/opinions of others that I have met who are involved in the pup community in one form or another. Also, I used the male pronouns to fill out my definitions because gay male puppy play is what I am familiar with (being a gay male puppy). This is not to say that straight or lesbian members of the kink community might not also benefit from this information. I was not trying to dis-include anyone.
That was tiring, and now I think I will chew on my Tigger and chat a bit on fetishmen.
TTFN, ta ta for now.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Hypnosis and You; Parlor Trick or Useful Technique?
If you had told me last year that I would get as much benefit from hypnosis as I have in the last few months, I would have told you that you were insane. I will be the first to admit that I had my doubts about the validity of hypnosis. I never believed that it worked. However, when a man (or a pup) has nowhere else to turn, he begins to rethink his previous assumptions.
When it didn't work out with my ex Owner and I, he told me that I needed training and he was not a trainer. I knew I needed more help connecting with my puppy headspace, but I just wasn't sure how to get it. He suggested hypnosis, but I scoffed at the notion. As I slipped into a further state of depression, because of everything I was going through, hypnosis looked more and more like a valid option. I started to hang out in the hypnosis chat room of the chat site I frequent (www.fetishmen.net), trying to ask questions. I was too shy to get too involved, but someone told me I could find mp3 files on the internet that might help me. I downloaded a few of these. They managed to help, much to my chagrin. The more I listened, the more they helped. They weren't doing what I thought they should have, so I sought out more personalized help.
I've met many friends in the hypnosis community. Most of these friends are on fetishmen. They have helped me get through a lot. One hypnotist (sdvmia) helped me get over my fear of needles. He even showed me how to turn off the pain in my stomach so that the shots I had to get daily because of my surgery sucked less. Another hypnotist (Hypnojob) gave me a technique to help me deal with the chronic pain of my ankle. IT really works.
There are a number of techniques in hypnosis that I have found to be effective. HypnoSir4Boy used a visualization induction to get me into a deep state of relaxation. Hypnojon71 used a coin, swinging back and forth, to keep my focus. I went from a skeptic to a willing and malleable subject. I crave the hypnosis and the feeling it gives me. Not to a point where it affects my daily life, but crave none the less.
Hypnosis can also be used for erotic purposes. More than once, in the chat room, I have been made to feel as if I'm fucking, being fucked, sucking, or being sucked... If you can achieve a deep state of trance, you can actually FEEL the physical interaction of the suggestions. It is a nice feeling.
Hypnosis works for some and it doesn't work for others. The most important thing I can hope that you take away from this is that you have to find out what works for you. Going into hypnosis, there are a few things you should remember. Nobody can make you do something you wouldn't normally do, anyway. You can't be hypnotized into killing someone or doing anything that you morally object to. While in a trance, you are even more aware than when awake. You have the option to ignore any suggestion given to you. You can just deny the programming.
I hope that this little snippit has helped you if you were interested in hypnosis, or entertained you if you were already familiar with hypnosis. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or a message. I will try to answer any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thanks a bunch!
TTFN, ta ta for now!
When it didn't work out with my ex Owner and I, he told me that I needed training and he was not a trainer. I knew I needed more help connecting with my puppy headspace, but I just wasn't sure how to get it. He suggested hypnosis, but I scoffed at the notion. As I slipped into a further state of depression, because of everything I was going through, hypnosis looked more and more like a valid option. I started to hang out in the hypnosis chat room of the chat site I frequent (www.fetishmen.net), trying to ask questions. I was too shy to get too involved, but someone told me I could find mp3 files on the internet that might help me. I downloaded a few of these. They managed to help, much to my chagrin. The more I listened, the more they helped. They weren't doing what I thought they should have, so I sought out more personalized help.
I've met many friends in the hypnosis community. Most of these friends are on fetishmen. They have helped me get through a lot. One hypnotist (sdvmia) helped me get over my fear of needles. He even showed me how to turn off the pain in my stomach so that the shots I had to get daily because of my surgery sucked less. Another hypnotist (Hypnojob) gave me a technique to help me deal with the chronic pain of my ankle. IT really works.
There are a number of techniques in hypnosis that I have found to be effective. HypnoSir4Boy used a visualization induction to get me into a deep state of relaxation. Hypnojon71 used a coin, swinging back and forth, to keep my focus. I went from a skeptic to a willing and malleable subject. I crave the hypnosis and the feeling it gives me. Not to a point where it affects my daily life, but crave none the less.
Hypnosis can also be used for erotic purposes. More than once, in the chat room, I have been made to feel as if I'm fucking, being fucked, sucking, or being sucked... If you can achieve a deep state of trance, you can actually FEEL the physical interaction of the suggestions. It is a nice feeling.
Hypnosis works for some and it doesn't work for others. The most important thing I can hope that you take away from this is that you have to find out what works for you. Going into hypnosis, there are a few things you should remember. Nobody can make you do something you wouldn't normally do, anyway. You can't be hypnotized into killing someone or doing anything that you morally object to. While in a trance, you are even more aware than when awake. You have the option to ignore any suggestion given to you. You can just deny the programming.
I hope that this little snippit has helped you if you were interested in hypnosis, or entertained you if you were already familiar with hypnosis. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or a message. I will try to answer any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thanks a bunch!
TTFN, ta ta for now!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Adventures in surgery!
Okay, so I have a lot of people ask me what is up with my ankle problems. I am going to lay it out here, once and for all. It's not terribly exciting (or maybe it is; I lived through it, so I can take it or leave it).
It all started in 2006, shortly after I started my first semester at Middle Tennessee State University. I was a skateboarder then (hind site is 20-20). I was relaxing at a hobby shop after a rough day at school, and kicking some flips in the parking lot. I got distracted and misplaced my foot. I fell only about a foot, but my entire body came down on my ankle turning fully sideways. The people at the shop were nice enough to take me to the hospital after my "friend" who I was there with insisted that I was fine and left me there when I demanded to be taken to the hospital.
The hospital let me know that I shattered my right talus and that surgery would be required. I stayed in the hospital for a full day before they could operate on me. After the operation, I stayed another 4 days. The doctor explained to me that he had to put 5 screws into my ankle in order to keep it in shape long enough to heal. At the time, my insurance was sub par. I did the follow up visits, but once the cast was off and I had the walking boot, I couldn't afford the physical therapy and ended up going back to work FAR too early. That led to the complications I had this year.
The past 5 years had been okay. I didn't get too many problems from my ankle. At the beginning of this year, tragedy struck. During the medieval combat reenactment game I am a part of, I sprained my ankle. It hurt for a full week, but eventually subsided (mostly) The pain never went away completely. From that point on, I had to walk with a cane. After I moved out to New York, I got on medicaid. I used it to get my ankle checked out and was told I would need further surgery.
After x-rays and CT scans, I found out that the bone in my ankle was sclerotic, that the ankle itself was arthritic, that the screws were loose, and that I had bone spurs. Also, because of the way I was walking to avoid pain, my achilles tendon had shrunk. Surgery was required. November 11th, I went in for surgery. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days.
She (the surgeon) removed the screws, removed the bone spurs, fused the joints in my ankle, and lengthened a few tendons. They gave me pain pills, which are helping, but they also gave me a daily injection which I have had to have in the stomach every day since my surgery. Only two days left of that, however! Luckily, a hypnotist was able to help me get over my fear of needles (more on that at a later time). I'm healing slowly and I thank everyone for the well wishes.
Hopefully this surgery will alleviate the problems and I can get back to a normal life. Well, normal for me, anyway.
TTFN, ta ta for now!
It all started in 2006, shortly after I started my first semester at Middle Tennessee State University. I was a skateboarder then (hind site is 20-20). I was relaxing at a hobby shop after a rough day at school, and kicking some flips in the parking lot. I got distracted and misplaced my foot. I fell only about a foot, but my entire body came down on my ankle turning fully sideways. The people at the shop were nice enough to take me to the hospital after my "friend" who I was there with insisted that I was fine and left me there when I demanded to be taken to the hospital.
The hospital let me know that I shattered my right talus and that surgery would be required. I stayed in the hospital for a full day before they could operate on me. After the operation, I stayed another 4 days. The doctor explained to me that he had to put 5 screws into my ankle in order to keep it in shape long enough to heal. At the time, my insurance was sub par. I did the follow up visits, but once the cast was off and I had the walking boot, I couldn't afford the physical therapy and ended up going back to work FAR too early. That led to the complications I had this year.
The past 5 years had been okay. I didn't get too many problems from my ankle. At the beginning of this year, tragedy struck. During the medieval combat reenactment game I am a part of, I sprained my ankle. It hurt for a full week, but eventually subsided (mostly) The pain never went away completely. From that point on, I had to walk with a cane. After I moved out to New York, I got on medicaid. I used it to get my ankle checked out and was told I would need further surgery.
After x-rays and CT scans, I found out that the bone in my ankle was sclerotic, that the ankle itself was arthritic, that the screws were loose, and that I had bone spurs. Also, because of the way I was walking to avoid pain, my achilles tendon had shrunk. Surgery was required. November 11th, I went in for surgery. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days.
She (the surgeon) removed the screws, removed the bone spurs, fused the joints in my ankle, and lengthened a few tendons. They gave me pain pills, which are helping, but they also gave me a daily injection which I have had to have in the stomach every day since my surgery. Only two days left of that, however! Luckily, a hypnotist was able to help me get over my fear of needles (more on that at a later time). I'm healing slowly and I thank everyone for the well wishes.
Hopefully this surgery will alleviate the problems and I can get back to a normal life. Well, normal for me, anyway.
TTFN, ta ta for now!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers!
Is Tiggers are wonderful things! Anybody who knows anything about me knows that I am a Disney fanatic. Anyone who knows any more about me can tell you that I collect Tiggers. While this might appear to some to be an attempt to hold onto a piece of my childhood (which it kinda is), it is more than that. I have explained my fascination with Disney to some people. Here goes a better explanation, laid bare, for all to see.
Since I was very young, Disney has been a large part of my life. I grew up in St. Petersburg, Florida, with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. My legal guardian and main caretaker, Andrea (or as I called her, Annie), eats, sleeps, and breathes Disney. We spent every school break at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. We spent every long weekend at Disney World. We spent a good number of short weekends making day trips to Disney World. Each time, we stayed in the Fort Wilderness Campground.
Most of the memories that one associates with early childhood are, for me, associated with Disney World. Learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, the holidays, my first pet, my first sleepover, and various and sundry other milestones. All associated with Disney. I've been in the tunnels underneath the theme parks. I know where all of the hidden Mickey Mouse heads are (at least in the Florida parks and resorts). I've been on every single ride and attraction (save for one or two of the newest ones). I know where the hidden and funny things in the rides are. I know a good deal of Disney history. I know even more random Disney trivia; when I was 8, I won a 200 dollar gift certificate for being able to stump a cast member at a Disneyanna convention by asking him to list the names of Ariel's sisters from the movie "The Little Mermaid". I was a cast member for a short time. I've been in the kitchen at Pioneer Hall because I told a cast member that I wanted to be a chef when I grew up. Disney is a part of me.
Some people have asked me why I have such a devotion to Disney when I am smart enough to realize what Disney's financial strategies and ethical failings are. My answer to that is simple. My devotion lies not with the Disney corporation, but with the Disney ideal. The feeling that children get when you surprise them by telling them that you're going to Disney. The comfort and familiarity of the guests who return to the parks and resorts time and again. The awe and wonder of the guests who are coming in for the first time. The fact that Disney can bring people together. These are the things about Disney that draw me in. These are the things about Disney that keep me.
Now, the second part of the equation is that I collect Tiggers. Well, Tigger happens to be my favorite Disney character. He has a free spirit and a sense of childlike wonder and amusement that I try to emulate in my life. I have many different Tiggers. I have ones that are for decoration. I have ones that I sleep with and cuddle. I have ones that I chew on and they squeak (hello, I'm a puppy, remember?). Whenever I'm having a bad day, I give a Tigger a squeeze and let him take away all of the pain and stress. That is what Tiggers do best. Well, that and bouncing.
The wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are wonderful things. Their tops are made out of rubber; their bottoms are made out of springs. They're bouncy, pouncy, trouncy, flouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN! But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one. Hoo-hoo-Hoo-HOO!
TTFN, ta ta for now.
Since I was very young, Disney has been a large part of my life. I grew up in St. Petersburg, Florida, with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. My legal guardian and main caretaker, Andrea (or as I called her, Annie), eats, sleeps, and breathes Disney. We spent every school break at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. We spent every long weekend at Disney World. We spent a good number of short weekends making day trips to Disney World. Each time, we stayed in the Fort Wilderness Campground.
Most of the memories that one associates with early childhood are, for me, associated with Disney World. Learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, the holidays, my first pet, my first sleepover, and various and sundry other milestones. All associated with Disney. I've been in the tunnels underneath the theme parks. I know where all of the hidden Mickey Mouse heads are (at least in the Florida parks and resorts). I've been on every single ride and attraction (save for one or two of the newest ones). I know where the hidden and funny things in the rides are. I know a good deal of Disney history. I know even more random Disney trivia; when I was 8, I won a 200 dollar gift certificate for being able to stump a cast member at a Disneyanna convention by asking him to list the names of Ariel's sisters from the movie "The Little Mermaid". I was a cast member for a short time. I've been in the kitchen at Pioneer Hall because I told a cast member that I wanted to be a chef when I grew up. Disney is a part of me.
Some people have asked me why I have such a devotion to Disney when I am smart enough to realize what Disney's financial strategies and ethical failings are. My answer to that is simple. My devotion lies not with the Disney corporation, but with the Disney ideal. The feeling that children get when you surprise them by telling them that you're going to Disney. The comfort and familiarity of the guests who return to the parks and resorts time and again. The awe and wonder of the guests who are coming in for the first time. The fact that Disney can bring people together. These are the things about Disney that draw me in. These are the things about Disney that keep me.
Now, the second part of the equation is that I collect Tiggers. Well, Tigger happens to be my favorite Disney character. He has a free spirit and a sense of childlike wonder and amusement that I try to emulate in my life. I have many different Tiggers. I have ones that are for decoration. I have ones that I sleep with and cuddle. I have ones that I chew on and they squeak (hello, I'm a puppy, remember?). Whenever I'm having a bad day, I give a Tigger a squeeze and let him take away all of the pain and stress. That is what Tiggers do best. Well, that and bouncing.
The wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are wonderful things. Their tops are made out of rubber; their bottoms are made out of springs. They're bouncy, pouncy, trouncy, flouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN! But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one. Hoo-hoo-Hoo-HOO!
TTFN, ta ta for now.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I Am Your Dog (Author Unknown)
This little poem has always gotten to me. It speaks volumes and works on many levels. I think more people should read it. It applies to biodogs and human pups.
You smile at me; I see love in your eyes. What do you see in mine? Do you see a spirit? A soul inside, who loves you as no other could in the world? A spirit that would forgive all trespasses of prior wrong doing for just a simple moment of your time? That is all I ask. To slow down, if even for a few minutes to be with me. So many times you have been saddened by the words you read on that screen, of other of my kind, passing. Sometimes we die young and oh so quickly, sometimes so suddenly it wrenches your heart out of your throat. Sometimes, we age so slowly before your eyes that you may not even seem to know until the very end, when we look at you with grizzled muzzles and cataract clouded eyes. Still the love is always there, even when we must take that long sleep, to run free in a distant land.
I may not be here tomorrow; I may not be here next week. Someday you will shed the water from your eyes, that humans have when deep grief fills their souls, and you will be angry at yourself that you did not have just "One more day" with me. Because I love you so, your sorrow touches my spirit and grieves me. We have NOW, together. So come, sit down here next to me on the floor, and look deep into my eyes. What do you see? If you look hard and deep enough we will talk, you and I, heart to heart. Come to me not as "alpha" or as "trainer" or even "Mom or Dad," come to me as a living soul and stroke my fur and let us look deep into one another's eyes, and talk.
I may tell you something about the fun of chasing a tennis ball, or I may tell you something profound about myself, or even life in general. You decided to have me in your life because you wanted a soul to share such things with. Someone very different from you, and here I am. I am a dog, but I am alive. I feel emotion, I feel physical senses, and I can revel in the differences of our spirits and souls. I do not think of you as a "Dog on two feet" -- I know what you are. You are human, in all your quirkiness, and I love you still.
Now, come sit with me, on the floor. Enter my world, and let time slow down if only for 15 minutes. Look deep into my eyes, and whisper to my ears. Speak with your heart, with your joy and I will know your true self. We may not have tomorrow, and life is oh so very short.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Greetings and Salutations *wags*
Okay. I've never done anything like this before. I'm not even entirely sure what will end up being posted here. For my first post, I think I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Scamp. Is that my real name? Depends what you mean by real. While I was born in a human body, I've always seen myself as having the heart and soul of a puppy. For those of you reading this who are familiar with puppy play, WOOF! For those of you who are not familiar with the term, how did you get to this site? I kid, I kid. Puppy play is the act of letting out the animal within yourself (in this case, a puppy). It doesn't have to be sexual, but it doesn't NOT have to be sexual...
Well, through my time online in the "kink" or "fetish" community, I have made a lot of friends that I am VERY grateful to have. I have profiles all across the internet. You can find me (and most likely already have) on pupzone, fetishmen, Adam4Adam, Recon, and furaffinity. All of these are GREAT sites to meet people on, though I am most active on fetishmen, and I can usually be found in the chatrooms.
I'm a fun pup. I have lots of hobbies. I can be a bit of a geek. I play D&D, I LARP, I go to Renn Faires, I play video games. I love sci-fi and fantasy. I love sex. I like to read. I enjoy watching TV. I love sex. Hanging out with friends calms me down. I love sex. Also, I rather enjoy sex.
This has been a little bit about me. If you want to suggest topics or ask questions or anything of the kind, just get in contact with me. I'd love to hear your suggestions.
Well, through my time online in the "kink" or "fetish" community, I have made a lot of friends that I am VERY grateful to have. I have profiles all across the internet. You can find me (and most likely already have) on pupzone, fetishmen, Adam4Adam, Recon, and furaffinity. All of these are GREAT sites to meet people on, though I am most active on fetishmen, and I can usually be found in the chatrooms.
I'm a fun pup. I have lots of hobbies. I can be a bit of a geek. I play D&D, I LARP, I go to Renn Faires, I play video games. I love sci-fi and fantasy. I love sex. I like to read. I enjoy watching TV. I love sex. Hanging out with friends calms me down. I love sex. Also, I rather enjoy sex.
This has been a little bit about me. If you want to suggest topics or ask questions or anything of the kind, just get in contact with me. I'd love to hear your suggestions.
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