Scamp's Crest

Scamp's Crest
The Official Crest of Scamptopia

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hypnosis and You; Parlor Trick or Useful Technique?

If you had told me last year that I would get as much benefit from hypnosis as I have in the last few months, I would have told you that you were insane.  I will be the first to admit that I had my doubts about the validity of hypnosis.  I never believed that it worked.  However, when a man (or a pup) has nowhere else to turn, he begins to rethink his previous assumptions.

When it didn't work out with my ex Owner and I, he told me that I needed training and he was not a trainer.  I knew I needed more help connecting with my puppy headspace, but I just wasn't sure how to get it.  He suggested hypnosis, but I scoffed at the notion.  As I slipped into a further state of depression, because of everything I was going through, hypnosis looked more and more like a valid option.  I started to hang out in the hypnosis chat room of the chat site I frequent (, trying to ask questions.  I was too shy to get too involved, but someone told me I could find mp3 files on the internet that might help me.  I downloaded a few of these.  They managed to help, much to my chagrin.  The more I listened, the more they helped.  They weren't doing what I thought they should have, so I sought out more personalized help.

I've met many friends in the hypnosis community.  Most of these friends are on fetishmen.  They have helped me get through a lot.  One hypnotist (sdvmia) helped me get over my fear of needles.  He even showed me how to turn off the pain in my stomach so that the shots I had to get daily because of my surgery sucked less. Another hypnotist (Hypnojob) gave me a technique to help me deal with the chronic pain of my ankle.  IT really works.

There are a number of techniques in hypnosis that I have found to be effective.  HypnoSir4Boy used a visualization induction to get me into a deep state of relaxation.  Hypnojon71 used a coin, swinging back and forth, to keep my focus.  I went from a skeptic to a willing and malleable subject.  I crave the hypnosis and the feeling it gives me.  Not to a point where it affects my daily life, but crave none the less.

Hypnosis can also be used for erotic purposes.  More than once, in the chat room, I have been made to feel as if I'm fucking, being fucked, sucking, or being sucked...  If you can achieve a deep state of trance, you can actually FEEL the physical interaction of the suggestions.  It is a nice feeling.

Hypnosis works for some and it doesn't work for others.  The most important thing I can hope that you take away from this is that you have to find out what works for you.  Going into hypnosis, there are a few things you should remember.  Nobody can make you do something you wouldn't normally do, anyway.  You can't be hypnotized into killing someone or doing anything that you morally object to.  While in a trance, you are even more aware than when awake.  You have the option to ignore any suggestion given to you.  You can just deny the programming.

I hope that this little snippit has helped you if you were interested in hypnosis, or entertained you if you were already familiar with hypnosis.  Either way, thanks for taking the time to read.  If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or a message.  I will try to answer any comments, questions, or suggestions.  Thanks a bunch!

TTFN, ta ta for now!

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