Scamp's Crest

Scamp's Crest
The Official Crest of Scamptopia

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Pretty Girl and the Ordinary Boy

Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was the prettiest girl in the world. All the other girls were jealous. One day, the jealous girls (this being all of the other girls in the whole world; so nothing to scoff at) decided to play a trick on the prettiest girl. They waited until she fell asleep and cut off all of her hair. They ripped up all of her clothes. They threw away all of her makeup. When the prettiest girl woke up, she was distraught. She put on the rags they had left in her closet and went outside. The boys all laughed and pointed at her, calling her names. She sat on a bench to weep. While she cried, a boy walked up to her. He was an ordinary looking boy with an ordinary voice and ordinary mannerisms. The poster child for "normal" or "average". He asked her what was wrong. She explained that someone had played a mean trick on her and that she was very sad. He held her and wiped away her tears, listening to everything she said. She kissed him. They dated for 6 months. In that time, her hair grew back and she bought new clothes and makeup. She was once again the prettiest girl. On Christmas Eve, she sat down with her boyfriend. He gave her a small box. She opened it while he bent to one knee. He asked her to marry him when she saw the beautiful ring. She said no, and explained that now she was pretty again. She could have any boy in the whole world. She left without another word and went to a party with some of her pretty friends. The ordinary boy sat in his ordinary apartment and opened his ordinary pill bottle. He took three of the pills out and swallowed them. Once the aspirin kicked in and his headache was gone, he went to the party where all of the pretty people were. They wouldn't let him in. He shot the doorman and went in to the party, guns blazing (quite literally). Just as he came face to face with the prettiest girl, she started to cry. She knew that of all of the terrible people she could date, none of the pretty boys would be bad enough for her, so she dated the ordinary psycho boy again. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters. All of their children were pretty and psycho. They lived mediocrely ever after.

The moral of the story is this;

Even after beauty fades, the ugly never will.
If you find a love inside your heart, it makes you want to kill.
It's true that things of this nature can be a little scary.
Just remember that there is no such thing as truly "ordinary".

1 comment:

  1. So...are you OK there? I know I haven't checked on you in a while...Signed Hypnojon71
